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WHY combine  Nutrition & Coaching Herrmann  for School success?

What our kids tell us when speaking of their school:


  • "I am tired. I have no energy. School stress me and asks me a lot of work and always quicker. I have no time and I do not remember my lessons."

  • "I am not organized. Nobody understand me. I will not pass my exam."


All the problems described by our kids/students, could be solved or at least clearly mitigated by a mix of NUTRITION & COACHING HERRMANN.

NUTRITION to have a TOP BODY & a TOP brain : Quicker work and memorizing !


Coaching Herrmann HBDI  to also to work better & quicker with the working method suiting you the best. Also improvement of your communication skills: not alone!


Special coaching Herrmann  JUNIOR : Find your Orientation Without Mistake.


Well–Being and Health

Preventive Nutrition and complementary approach to your existing medical treatment , when nutrition is part of the disease:

Metabolic diseases


High performing BODY & BRAIN: Food of the Brain!

School Success thanks to Nutrition:

DO you know that:

  • Brain (memory) is very greedy in energy brought only by the nutrition.

    • But too many calories promote obesity that penalizes health and the brain

    • Too much sugar and the brain runs slower and anxiety begins. Not enough sugar and he is tired and difficulties of concentration appears

  • The brain uses neuromediators to function (serotonin ...). These neuromediators are greedy in protein: the good proteins

  • The brain contains more than 50% lipids. Some lipids are very important.

  • Vitamins and minerals help the brain to work well and quick.


Conclusion: During the learning time, stress causes tiredness and overwork: My brain and my body work not well  and my memory  drops in quality and speed. But good nutrition can provide you with the foods of memory (B/D vitamins, Minerals, fat, protein, the good carbohydrates) and helps to RESPECT the balances between these nutrients to avoid deficiencies and dangerous excesses.

In addition, the stressed / tired body is then very vulnerable to diseases due to physical, mental and emotional stresses. Good nutrition can protect against these very dangerous chronic diseases to come: For example Acidosis and oxidative stress  must be combated by the right foods and lifestyle.

Our  Slogan  :         

In good Heath to Succeed To succeed  and staying  in good health


Ned Herrmann, Director of General Electric Management education program in the USA, used brain research as a basis to develop the HBDI® (Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument®).


Based on a large number of behavioural analyses, he created a profile grid which works as a simplified "map" of the different thinking styles used by the human being. This map establishes the HBDI® Thinking Preference Profile.


The individual HBDI® assessment, whose results are shown on the profile grid, describes the dominant modes of brain functioning of an individual. His Thinking Preference profile, which we obtained as a result, shows the activities for which he will have the least difficulties and those that he will tend to prefer the most. This profile goes beyond the binary pattern left brain / right brain. It is based on a metaphorical model of the brain and includes four quadrants. All these four quadrants represent what Ned Herrmann calls a "Whole Brain".


Keep in mind that the brain, according to Mac Lean, is physiologically structured into 3 layers: the reptilian brain, centre for instincts, the limbic brain, responsible of emotions, and the cortex, centre for reason.

The Herrmann instrument takes into account the distinction between the two upper levels and combines them with the initial model of Sperry about left brain (logical, analytical, rational) and right brain (intuitive, holistic, imaginative).

Each of us possesses, in different proportions, the capacity to deal with situations in several ways. Each of us naturally "avoids", "uses" or "strongly prefers" to behave with one or the other of his 4 quadrants A, B, C and D.





                                  Engineer Profile                                                                         Child Nurse

This person sees things in

a rational, logical way

This person has an intuitive, relational approach. Caring more

of the people


Preventive Nutrition and complementary approach to your medical treatment

The links between nutrition and health are becoming better known. The risk of developing many diseases - cancer, cardiovascular disease, obesity or type 2 diabetes - can be reduced by following national nutritional guidelines. Based on multiple scientific studies, these recommendations will evolve with the acquisition of new knowledge.


Diet and physical activity are involved in the onset and development of most of the most common chronic diseases today. For example, many studies have shown the impact of nutrition on the occurrence of certain cancers, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, osteoporosis, or metabolic disorders such as type 2 diabetes or hypercholesterolemia. The research initially focused on these public health problems. But today it is expanding to other areas: studies suggest that there are links between nutrition and certain autoimmune inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis or chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), or still allergies, depression, sleep disorders, cognitive decline and ocular degeneration (AMD, cataracts).


Finally, if foods, nutrients and behaviors increase the risk of developing certain pathologies, others will instead have a preventive action.


What do we have to do :

We offer you 3 projects:

  • Help you to maintain or regain the feeling of well-being  By adapting / correcting your current diet, your lifestyle, your eating habits.

  • Help you to prevent the development of chronic diseases related to diet and stress. Applying for you: NLSS = Nutrition, Lifestyle, Sport, Stress.

  • You are followed, treated medically for a nutrition-related illness. So we offer you a new approach,Complementary so in addition to the classic medical treatment that you already have.


 The goal is to solve by nutrition the nutritional causes of your disease to prevent relapses.

  1. ​Réussir ses études
  2. Trouver son orientation
  3. Retrouver son bien-être et sa santé
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